These resources are listed for informational purposes. They are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Back-to-School Tool Kit from Mental Health America.
Something here for Kids and Teens; Parents and Teachers; Spanish Version.
Vibe with the Tribe
The idea for Vibe with the Tribe was birthed after a conversation with a colleague and sister who is part of my #Tribe4Life. She asked if I would partner with her to record a conversation talking about self-care, mental and emotional health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing happening across the country.
While preparing for that conversation I came to recognize that other members of the Tribe possess unique expertise and perspectives about responding as well. I asked if they would be willing to share their experiences and respond to questions. While there are quite a few members of the Tribe, not all of them are able to participate due to work related restrictions. But they do listen and support the other conversations by sharing the information because that is what family does.
NOTE: The information shared here is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace diagnostic or consultation services. It does not replace information offered by business professionals, public health officials or law enforcement. Please consult your local authorities for information that is up to date and specific to your city, state and country.
If you have questions or would like to communicate with any of the speakers, please feel free to contact them using the information provided in their individual discussions or contact me.
I present to you (as displayed) Ana Collazo, Debbie Davis, Alisha Saucedo, Anne Hawkins, Douglas Stallbaumer and Ashley Wallace. And stay tuned for more presenters from #Tribe4Life!